Faces of Coaching – Leap Style!
At Leap Solutions, we see your limitless potential, and we know you can achieve the kind of leadership growth that directly translates to business success. But we won’t just tell you how; we’ll partner with you, empower you, and guide you through an executive coaching program that’s entirely tailored to you. You’ll come away from […]
The Vital Importance of Nonprofit Fiduciary Training
Protect Your Board—and Yourself Thank you to Daryl Reese (bio below), Nonprofit and Business Law Attorney at Johnston/Thomas, Attorneys at Law, for contributing to this article. It’s an honor and a privilege to serve on a nonprofit board. It’s an opportunity to express your passion and commitment to a cause, contribute your expertise and […]
Coaching for Change
Change isn’t just inevitable…it’s also vital to continued growth, success and prosperity. Coaching can be a great way to ready yourself not only to accept change that comes your way but to embrace, influence and even drive change for the betterment of your organization and yourself. When Change Hits Often, change is thrust upon […]
Employee Motivation
You’ve worked hard to find and hire fantastic employees. Now, how do you keep them happily employed? In tightening labor markets like ours, employees get to be increasingly choosy about where they work and how long they stay there. That means employers like you need to do everything possible to reward your employees with work […]
Driving Leadership Performance with a Leadership Retreat
Organizations use retreats to accomplish all sorts of vital work, including team building, business development, strategic planning, visioning and problem solving. But have you ever considered a retreat devoted specifically to leadership development? You count on your leaders to develop people and drive results, so why not equip and empower them with opportunities, skills and […]
Hire For Fit, Train For Skill
When workers are in short supply and high demand, it can be tempting for employers to gratefully snatch up any willing candidate with the right background and expertise for a job. But in today’s incredibly tight labor market, that hiring approach is short-sighted; holding out for the right cultural fit can mean all the difference […]
Flex Success: Exploring Creative Work Arrangements
Ask any employee, in any industry and at any level, about what truly matters, and you’re likely to hear some variation or combination of the same themes: time, flexibility and balance. Add a life change to the scenario—a new family member, an injury or illness, a tragedy or natural disaster, perhaps—and these values become even […]
The Right Start for the Right Fit
You’ve worked hard to recruit the perfect fit for your organization. Now it’s time to give your new hire the ideal start! Taking a new job and joining a team can be a time of great excitement and pride…as well as upheaval and anxiety for all involved. But with the right approach and process, a […]
Be The Leader You Want To Follow
You know yourself, and you know what you want. You’re willing to take risks and make mistakes. You insist on living your passion. You consistently see the big (and even bigger) picture. You always choose to grow. These are the hallmarks of a thriving, transformative leader. And Leap Solutions can get you there! When […]
Celebrating 20 Leap Years
20 Years Ago: The First Leap You can take a step toward what you want, or you can take a leap. In 1998, Scott Ormerod took an exhilarating leap…and he’s never looked back. With the launch of Leap Solutions, Scott created an outlet for his wide-ranging ideas and a business devoted to helping others solve […]