Understanding California’s Workplace Violence Prevention Plan Law | Leap Solutions



California’s workplace violence prevention law, SB 553, has been amended to include section 6401.9 which requires that virtually all California employers develop and implement a written workplace violence prevention plan.  If you have questions about this new regulation, you are not alone. Leap Solutions is here to support you as you take steps to comply and remain compliant with these new requirements. Let’s start with the basics.




Workplace violence is any act of violence or threat of violence that occurs in a place of employment. This does not include lawful acts of self-defense or defense of others.



This law applies to all employers, employees, places of employment, and employer-provided housing, except those listed in subsection (b) of Labor Code 6401.9. (https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240SB553)



In effect since July 1, 2024, affected California employers are required to implement their workplace violence prevention plan and begin employee training by this date. If you have not implemented your program, Leap Solutions is ready to assist you.




Your role as an employer is to create and implement a workplace violence prevention plan; create and maintain a violent incident log; train employees on the plan, workplace violence hazard identification, and reporting; keep records of the plan in a place that is easily accessible to employees; and continue to update the plan and maintain record-keeping as new situations arise.



SB 553 outlines specific requirements for each section of your plan and Leap Solutions is prepared to walk you through each one. Our dedicated and knowledgeable team collaborates with every client to ensure a thorough understanding of these requirements and how they affect your organization. This partnership results in a tailor-made workplace violence prevention plan and training that incorporates your organization’s unique circumstances.




Is there an interactive training requirement?

The training must include opportunities for interactive questions and answers with a person knowledgeable about the plan.


Are we required to have active shooter preparedness training?

As a part of your hazard assessment, you may want to consider whether you need to conduct active shooter preparedness training, but there is not a specific requirement to do so under this law. You may want to check with your insurance agency to see if your insurance policies have training requirements, including active shooter.


If we have multiple work sites, do we need to have a customized plan for each, or is one general plan acceptable?

If different worksites have different hazards, the plans would need to be tailored to each individual worksite. If the worksites share similar hazards, the plans would be more uniform across locations. For example, a manufacturer might have offsite warehouses, so the plans would have similar elements, but would include different hazards; therefore, the plans would need to be customized for each location. 


Are we required to implement plans for locations outside California?

No, this law only applies to California. 


Do we have to report workplace violence events to Cal OSHA?

You only need to report serious injuries or fatalities as required by Cal OSHA regulations. The workplace violence prevention law did not establish new reporting requirements.


Do workplace violent incidents go on the OSHA 300 Log?

You are required to record information on the 300 Log only if the employee was injured and meets the requirements of recording on the 300 Log.


How can we make the plan accessible to employees?

Options include posting your plan on your intranet or software platform, or you can make it available in binders or on bulletin boards in common areas at your worksite.


Are animal attacks considered workplace violence?




Leap Solutions is ready to come alongside you at any point in the process to provide a customized plan for your organization, support implementation, and/or plan and conduct employee trainings in English and Spanish. We are available to assist from start to finish and will even remain a resource to help you stay compliant through our flexible HR2Leap package. Reach out to us at 707-527-0969 or info@leapsolutions.com to receive a quote for your custom-built plan.

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Leap Solutions, a division of George Petersen Insurance Agency, is a diverse group of highly skilled management, organizational development, executive search and recruitment, and human resources professionals who have spent decades doing what we feel passionate about: helping you feel passionate about what you do. We are available to work with you to develop practical solutions and smart planning decisions for your organization’s immediate, near, and long-term needs.

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