Here’s where we keep our light bulbs. Take as many as you need.

The best thing about great ideas and information is sharing them. Great ideas make us Leap!

HR Website Resources
Need to know how your salary compares? The nation’s largest database on current pay info. Cool.

Craigslist – SF Bay
One of our favs for job postings and the occasional haiku.


Recruiting Website Resources
One stop job search website. Indeed, indeed, I found it on

The business community version of Facebook. Networks of and for our friends.

Society for Human Resource Management
The “go to” website for all things HR.

CalChamber HR California
Information extraordinaire for CA based organizations.

Organization Development Network
Where the OD famous gather to exchange ideas, knowledge and network.

Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education
If you teach OD, you are here. If you are an OD practitioner, you are here.

Board Source
Got Board? This is the ultimate source for info, best practices and great tools. Check out the books section.
Another one of those great online HR websites. Tons of helpful info.

Center for Creative Leadership
Creative leadership, you bet. Sign up for their e-newsletter to stay up on the latest leadership trends.

Blue Avocado
Funny name, but a fun nonprofit website. Great best practices information and food for thought.


We get great ideas and information from collaborations with our clients.

Greater Bay Area Make-A-Wish Foundation
SF Bay Area and beyond Make-A-Wish Foundation website? makin’ those cool wishes for kids happen.Click here for their testimonial.

Santa Rosa Chamber of Commerce
Our local chamber, our membership hood and one of our clients. We recruited the president/CEO.

Healthcare Foundation Northern Sonoma County
Supporting healthcare in the northern part of Sonoma County. Also one of our clients. We recruited the ED/fund development officer.

Balletto Vineyards
Wine in Sonoma County? Of course. Great wines, fun people, great client! Click here for their case study.

La Tortilla Factory
We’ve gone to tortilla heaven. Who says work and food don’t mix. Great client, wonderful tortillas.Click here for their case study.