Thriving human resources is essential to a thriving organization.

Selecting the best partner for your HR needs is crucial; look no further than Leap Solutions!

Leap Solutions is as committed as you are to keeping your employees healthy, informed, well compensated and properly trained. We can help you address a single pressing HR need, or be your Human Resources outsourcing firm. Our HR consultants can work virtually with you or onsite. Whether you’re looking to streamline your own HR department, create a new employee handbook, perform a benefits review, facilitate a planning retreat, revamp your performance evaluation program, get through a sticky employee-relations issue, or bring in temporary staffing or an interim executive, you can count on Leap Solutions to make it happen. 

Our HR consultants are highly skilled and well connected. We approach your HR needs with candor, compassion and discretion. We’re known for going above and beyond traditional HR to provide organizational development expertise that will drive the positioning of your company as a desirable place to work and help you attract, acquire and retain top talent.

We also specialize in compliance. We have the tools and resources to keep you abreast of highly complex, ever-changing federal, state and local employment and labor laws, and we will collaborate with you to tailor a plan to respond to them with confidence. We can reduce your legal risk, minimize your expenses and deliver the peace of mind that comes with keeping your organization and your people safe and strong.


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We engaged Leap Solutions to help our next generation of leaders develop the skills to lead the firm into the next decade and beyond. We’re now on Year Two of a custom leadership development program with Leap. It’s rewarding and invigorating to align expectations, build relationships and see growth, inspiration and enthusiasm in our next-generation staff members. We also engage with Leap for ongoing HR support to assist with involved situations from a technical standpoint.  It’s incredibly valuable to draw from the expertise and situational experience of Leap advisors whenever and wherever we need it.

Kevin Zucco
SE, LEED AP, Executive Principal, ZFA Structural Engineers